Category Archives: Child

Baby's naming ceremony

We had a small naming ceremony for the baby yesterday. We have named our son Nisarg. Since Nisarg is still quite young, we decided on an immediate family only event, which went exactly as we had hoped. With lots of love, cheer and caring. Nisarg means nature in Marathi.

Sunlight for newborn jaundice

Blue light has long been accepted as a way of treating jaundice. This treatment came about through the observations of a very smart nurse who observed that babies near windows had less problems with jaundice, which led to research….. Another separate study assessed the use of sunlight (which is abundant) as compared with the special… Read More »

Newborn jaundice

Today, baby looked slightly yellow to my inexperienced eye. Various visitors, depending on whether they were trying to reassure me or talk straight disagreed or agreed, but the bottom line was that the guy looked rather yellow. The nurses assured me that mild jaundice was normal and not an issue. The pediatrician agreed with that… Read More »

Newborn's first poop

Okay, so I asked around to find out when a newborn begins pooping. Peeing happens almost immediately. Pooping is basically that sticky tar like meconium stuff. My son hadn’t pooped for a full 24 hours after his birth, and that is considered fine. Most babies I asked about pooped some time during the second day… Read More »

11 First breastfeeding tips

The first breastfeeding can be a stressful time for the new mother, particularly if its your first baby (as mine was). There is so much happening. You have barely registered that the painful labour is now over, you are excited about the baby, family is usually clustered close to see the baby and wish you… Read More »

The story of his birth

I had had a dismal experience with my gynaec (and all other options in our area I tried to explore). Thus, I had little clue as to what exactly was the point at which to hit the maternity home for delivering this little one. I’d been told rather vaguely to come if contractions came around… Read More »

From birth onwards

We had a son on the night of 2nd September 2009 and our lives changed…. for the better