Monthly Archives: November 2009

Beautiful morning

Woke up this morning to the music of Nisarg cooing loudly and waving his hands. It was quite clear he was trying to get my attention while I’d been sleeping. He was hungry. My little sunflower had unfurled for the day, and smiling!!! What a lovely morning. We had this beautiful feeding time with the… Read More »

Atarax drops – things I didn't know

Okay, the baby had had a bad night two days ago, and the pediatrician prescribed atarax drops – 10 drops morning and night. She asked me to call back in a day. I’d given him the drops and he slept most of the day away. I assumed it was from being so utterly exhausted. He… Read More »

Brillkids – does it work?

Recently, a friend asked me about my fascination with the Brillkids softwares. Does it actually work? They ARE very expensive! The way I look at this is that the Brillkids softwares – both Little Reader and Little Math are tools. How effective they are depends on how well you use them. A committed parent could… Read More »

Infant ear pain

Another nightmare night. Nisarg started fussing around bedtime and crying on and off. By 1am, he was crying full blown out. Screaming wails, hiccups, gasps, chokes, scary breathless sounds, constant screaming interspersed with exhausted and restless dozes he came out of within a couple of minutes. I was scared. I woke up Raka around 4am… Read More »