Discovery of water

Nisarga had a fascination with water, and we have had several incidences where he encountered water in a new way and was fascinated. From air blon on a wet face to splashing in the tub to trying to catch the stream of water from taps he sees. The latest is spilling water while drinking. He… Read More »

The neurologist and Syndopa

Today, my birthday. No one at home but Nisarga and I. Big plan for the day? Meeting with Dr. Anaita Hegde, who is supposed to be the top or second from top pediatric neurologist in Mumbai. A few odd thoughts sent through my mind: How can a doctor be ranked top or second from top,… Read More »

Body movement as it evolves

A remarkable video of an infant learning to move. The process of refining movement to learn new movement and achieve proficiency is transparent. A must see for parents and anyone interested in the process of learning.

Growing up like mom and dad

Okay, so its Nisarga’s eleventh birthday, and we are all grown up and ready to work. Naturally, the very first work we will try on is work we have seen happening around us. So friends, families and well wishers, here I present, Nisarga the mountaineer: The first one was taken when Raka was packing for… Read More »

10 months old today

Nisarga celebrated his birthday by being full of energy and initiating loads of playing today. You missed it, since I didn’t have a camera handy, but here are some of my favourite moments with the little charmer.

Uncertainties of unschooling

Posting an email response I made on a group I belong to. “What if things don’t fall into right places and then one day your child will ask, why did you do this to me?” The way I see this, no matter what I do, I will have done some things well and messed others… Read More »

Encourage rolling over

Many children these days roll over late.  Nisarga is one of them. Its not that he can’t. He just doesn’t seem interested. He has rolled over from his tummy to his back and vice versa more than a few times. He can. But he is content to lie how he is. I must admit that… Read More »