Category Archives: infant

Nightmare night

Last night Nisarg cried, and cried, and cried. Poor chap. He vomitted a couple of times, had loose stools, gas…. and was utterly miserable. He wanted to be held all the time and still sobbed on and off. Nothing worked. feeding, burping, music…. Just as I was about to rush him to the ER of… Read More »

6week doctor's appointment

We had our third doctor’s appointment today. Ever since I started surfing the net and discovered that my baby was “near-term” and “underweight” I’ve been obsessing about getting him on the charts. So much for accepting the baby how it is. On some level, I think its good for Nisarg that I’m obsessing over his… Read More »

Supporting an infant's neck

You look at that fragile little thing and your heart flutters with fear for its safety. You are so scared of jerking that flimsy neck supporting that big head, that you take a full minute before the baby transfers from the bed to your arms. Well…. Life has a way of enforcing efficiency, as has… Read More »