Category Archives: Uncategorized

On the train

Nisarga. Had an exciting day. Yesterday. Raja took him visiting friends and family who have Ganesh idols in their homes. I joined them in the evening at Raka’s uncle’s place in Malad. He makes his idol at home, from clay. This year he had painted it too. Nisarga was all agog, watching proceedings with wide… Read More »

Walk in the stormy breeze

I had taken Nisarga out on a longer walk yesterday evening. He can be really tough to carry for long periods, so I took him riding piggyback, with a dupatta to hold him like a sling. This is very easy to carry and I did fairly good time with it. The weather was perfect pre-monsoon… Read More »

Update on Nisarga’s health

To make a long story short, much has happened since I used to write here regularly (and I think I should update regularly for reasons more than memories – to record changed in health). Nisarga had shown no real improvement in his physical development since we started treatment. He was on increasing doses of medicine… Read More »

The birth of a girl

A doctor from Pune has stopped charging for the deliveries of girls or treatments. I think it is a brilliant stand to take. Pune doctor stops charging fees for delivering girl child following Beed infanticide bravo! May your tribe increase! — Vidyut (@Vidyut) January 22, 2013 The reason for it is sad though. I… Read More »

Nisarga’s Bera Test

So it was Nisarga’s BERA test today. It was scheduled for 2pm and we were prepared as instructed. Wake him up early – check Get doctor’s letter that he doesn’t have cough, cold or fever – check. We took him today itself so that it would tire him out some and make him more inclined… Read More »

Nisarga’s medical history

Been working on this post for a bit. Many people asking exactly what is wrong with Nisarga, so putting it together the best I can. He was fine till he was 3-4 months old. Had just begun turning to side, catching toys, etc when he kind of just… regressed. Low body tone – hypotonia. Just… Read More »

Drawing with Nisarga

Uh…. no. He didn’t actually draw these, he…. directed them. He was fussy, so to entertain him, I started telling him about the website design work I was doing. One thing led to another, and we fiddled around with the Harmony script for drawing – an adapted version of which forms the background of this… Read More »

Conversational contexts

Nisarga has really started picking up on overall meanings/tones of conversations. And he’s on my side!!! Make that he’s on my side in defending his rights. Two incidents. We were meeting the big physiotheripast – the main woman – Dr. Urmila Kamat. She comes once in a while and meets a lot of people, so… Read More »